Sunday, January 29, 2012

Salt Grass 3D Archery Tournament

Today was the first tournament at Salt Grass Archery.  Zeke and I went out to test our skills with our recurves.  Both of us have only been shooting about a month with traditional equipment and still have a lot to learn.

The target selection was very interesting at the tournament.  We shot at several different kinds of targets that included:  deer, bears, poison dart frogs and cobra snakes.  Even a stegosaurus!

 Zeke did very well and we will be shooting another tournament very soon

This is good practice for when the buck of the lifetime finally walks out

There were 3 miniature bear targets we had to shoot at throughout the course.  These bears were about 2 ft. tall and very challenging targets.  Official Score for me was 182 on 30 targets.
My custom crested arrows preformed great. 

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